Paddington Center of Internation Curriculum


本次活动分为两个环节:首先由西渡学校的丁曼老师和上海帕丁顿双语学校的周闪闪老师进行课题《Sea water and rain water》——The oceans, rain and water的授课,其次是课后评课、议课。

看,丁曼老师讲的多么投入,她那亲切的笑容,流利的口语,精美的课件让学生都陶醉在英语的世界中。教学中的三个环节(important,more important, most important)的教学设计不禁让人拍案叫绝。

听,周老师那一起一落的声音,唤醒了孩子们的学习热情,整节课以quiz为主线,带领孩子们在海洋的世界中一起探索海洋的奥秘。环环相扣,句句相连,切实有效的教学活动,使孩子们在读中学,学中用,明白了海洋的重要性,体会give more, not just take more的意义。





The strong wind and heavy rain can't stop the collision of teachers' thoughts and the brilliant blooming in class. On the afternoon of June 2, 2021, the study and discussion on English teaching of Grade six based on the same topic and different designs is carried out successfully in Shanghai Paddington Bilingual School in Fengxian District.

This activity is divided into two parts. First is the teaching of the topic “Sea water and rain water—the oceans, rain and water”, which is finished by Teacher Ding from Xidu school and Teacher Zhou from Shanghai Paddington Bilingual School. After that come the class evaluation and discussion. 

Teacher Zhao, the researcher, guided and helped the two teachers to polish their lessons for many times, and organized this activity. Finally, two wonderful classes were presented, which aroused the collision of teachers' thinking. The smooth progress of this teaching and research activity is helpful for teachers to deeply interpret the text, optimize the teaching design, and improve the efficiency of English teaching.
